First off a big thank you to boxfit for putting on such a top event,the race consisted of 6 mile run-18 mile bike-6 mile run, centered around the famous bison hill in bedfordshire, the course was very hilly and hard so it was going to be a tough day,The first run went very well for me a got into a good pace early on and managed to keep it going and came into t1 in 36 mins 27 secs for 10km, then i got on the bike and by this time the sun was coming up and it was starting to get a little warmer , i managed to settle into a bit of a groove as much as you can with bison hill its a 16% hill that goes on for about 800mts its pretty tough ,i went round the 18 mile bike course in 1 hour dead and i was quite happy with that,coming out of t2 i was being chased down, i think i had a minute lead, all i had to do was keep the second run together and i would take the victory ,which is what i done,but going up bison hill for the 5th time my legs were starting to cramp big time but i had to keep going cause i knew the athlete behind would still be pushing,i finished with 1 minute to spare and i took the win, i was very happy with the way the race went as i have not done any serious mileage on the bike since ironman france in july,it certainly blew the cobwebbs away.