Wetsuits and Tri clothing

Wetsuits and Tri clothing
Wetsuits and Tri clothing

PB races


5K 16:03 (2014)
5M 28:27
10K 33:43
10M 57.29 (2014)
HM 75.09 (2014)
Mar 2:42:35 (2014)

sprint-400mts swim-20km bike-5km run-56 mins
super sprint-750 swim-20km bike-5km run-1 hour 8 mins
olympic -1500mts swim-40km bike-10km run-2 hours 1 min
half ironman-1.9km swim-56 mile bike-13.1 mile run-4 hours 21min
ironman-3.8km swim-112 miles bike- 26.2 mile run- 10 hours 15min